modern slavery risk assessment template

modern slavery risk assessment template is a modern slavery risk assessment sample that gives infomration on modern slavery risk assessment design and format. when designing modern slavery risk assessment example, it is important to consider modern slavery risk assessment template style, design, color and theme. this tool has been designed to help public sector organisations work in partnership with suppliers to improve protections and reduce the risk of exploitation of workers in their supply chains. if you are a business that wants to complete the assessment, you will need to register as a supplier and start the msat here. a public sector buyer can invite you to complete the msat via an invitation code which you must input in order to connect your responses and allow them to access your results. when you share results with multiple buyers, they will be able to access your results and any notes these buyers have made. you can download the full set of msat questions here in order to familiarise yourself with the questions and coordinate any support needed from others within your organisation. if you are a public sector buyer that wants to invite your suppliers to complete msat you need to register as a buyer here.

modern slavery risk assessment overview

once you have registered as a buyer, you will need to create a campaign to invite suppliers to complete the msat within the platform. this is helpful for large organisations who may need a variety of people within their organisation to access the msat results. any other public buyers who share access to the same supplier’s responses will then have access to your details to contact you on coordinating any follow-up discussions with the supplier (where appropriate). please note that any data included in the notes will be accessible to other public buyers the supplier has shared responses with. if one of your suppliers has already been invited by another organisation, you should still invite them to your individual campaign in order to access their results and any notes recorded. evaluator guidance is available to public buyers, providing guidance on what the msat is and how public buyers (particularly those who will be evaluating a supplier’s results) can approach their engagement with suppliers.

almost any business in almost every industry must be prepared to fight modern slavery and ensure a living wage throughout its entire supply chain. to fight modern slavery, we not only have to know it exists and understand that it comes in different forms to how it’s portrayed in media but also be self-aware of our own potential involvement. and most of them, about 16 million people, work in some way for the supply chains of international companies. there are a few industries that are totally free of it and it can be found in all stages of the supply chain: from the harvesting of raw materials to the manufacturing, and even shipping and delivery.

modern slavery risk assessment format

a modern slavery risk assessment sample is a type of document that creates a copy of itself when you open it. The doc or excel template has all of the design and format of the modern slavery risk assessment sample, such as logos and tables, but you can modify content without altering the original style. When designing modern slavery risk assessment form, you may add related information such as modern slavery risk assessment template,modern slavery assessment tool,modern slavery statement,modern slavery act,modern slavery statement requirements

modern slavery risk assessment is the evaluation of the likelihood that a good or service your company buys is made fully, or in part, by slave labour. once you have assessed your supply chain, you should address issues that you have identified and continue to monitor for new risks. when designing modern slavery risk assessment example, it is important to consider related questions or ideas, what are the key risk indicators of modern slavery? what are the risk sectors for modern slavery? what are the dangers of modern slavery? how do you assess the modern slavery risks to your organisation and your supply chain and what steps do you take to mitigate those risks?, modern slavery statement template,modern slavery in supply chains,report modern slavery,how to identify modern slavery in supply chain,supplier sustainability assessment

when designing the modern slavery risk assessment document, it is also essential to consider the different formats such as Word, pdf, Excel, ppt, doc etc, you may also add related information such as msat questions,msat test

modern slavery risk assessment guide

but there are ways to secure the integrity of your supply chain and protect workers. having a modern slavery statement and performing a risk assessment are both excellent steps to ensuring your supply chain is free of forced labor, and those within it earn a living wage. partners and suppliers should understand your concern for the integrity of your supply chain. otherwise, those within the industry will continue to undercut competitors by cutting costs in their supply chain, risking modern slavery, and possibly creating a vicious cycle of reduced manufacturing prices, risking more slavery. easily gain complete transparency in your supply chain by automating the data collection and analysis from your suppliers and sub-suppliers.

in my first post, a quick guide to esg and risk management in the extended enterprise, i outlined what esg (environmental, social and governance) is and how it impacts third-party risk management. slavery is found in the supply chains of corporations producing materials and products, as well as in the forced compulsion of children to make products in factories. organizations need to start by clearly defining what they are doing to address modern slavery across their extended enterprise of third-party relationships due to pending directives and legislation with an expansive, global scope, including the eu directive on mandatory human rights, environmental, and good governance due diligence and germany’s corresponding corporate due diligence act.

compliance with these laws will require thorough and continuous due diligence of third-party relationships in the context of environmental practices, social and human rights, and governance to address corruption. for the purposes of the upcoming eu directive, due diligence should be understood as the obligation of an undertaking to take all proportionate and commensurate measures and make efforts within their means to prevent adverse impacts on human rights, the environment, or good governance from occurring in their supply chains, and to address such impacts when they occur. organizations would be wise to expand the scope of their modern slavery third-party risk assessments with this due diligence advice. companies must start defining an integrated strategy for third-party risk management to address these forthcoming requirements with a unified and consistent approach.