science lab risk assessment template

science lab risk assessment template is a science lab risk assessment sample that gives infomration on science lab risk assessment design and format. when designing science lab risk assessment example, it is important to consider science lab risk assessment template style, design, color and theme. evaluation and assessment of risk is an integral step in designing an experimental protocol. the risk assessment tool uses a four-part framework that can be used for an experiment, analytical process, or series of tasks: all researchers should conduct a risk assessment prior to conducting an experiment for the first time. when repeating an experiment/process, researchers may refer to a previous risk assessment and update the “assess” section with the findings. consult with your pi/supervisor and eh&s if your risk rating is “high” or “unacceptable” to redesign the experiment and/or implement additional controls to reduce risk.

science lab risk assessment overview

if the risk rating remains “high” or “unacceptable” after redesign, consult eh&s to provide guidance to control hazards. in addition to review of risk assessments, pis are also encouraged to use the risk assessment framework during group meetings to discuss planned or completed experiments. sops may also be required for high-hazard chemicals and operations (e.g. a risk assessment is well-suited to novel operations in which the researcher is designing and planning an experiment. however, the risk assessment tool can also be helpful in understanding risk when preparing for procedures that have an established sop, varying parameters (e.g.

for example, depending on the level of training and experience, the immediate laboratory supervisor may be involved in the experimental work itself. in some laboratories, chps include standard operating procedures for work with specific chemical substances, and the chp may be sufficient as the primary source of information used for risk assessment and experiment planning. if msdss are not adequate, specific laboratory operating procedures should be available for the specific laboratory manipulations to be employed: the ghs of classification and labeling of chemicals is an internationally recognized system for hazard classification and communication. these documents are summaries and are not intended to be comprehensive or to fulfill the needs of all conceivable users of a chemical. the following annotated list provides references on the hazardous properties of chemicals and which are useful for assessing risks in the laboratory. in addition to computerized msdss, a number of computer databases are available that supply data for creating or supplementing msdss, for example, the nlm and chemical abstracts (ca) databases. the risk of toxic effects is related to both the extent of exposure and the inherent toxicity of a chemical. the basic tenets of toxicology are that no substance is entirely safe and that all chemicals result in some toxic effects if a high enough amount (dose) of the substance comes in contact with a living system. for all chemicals, there is a range of concentrations that result in a graded effect between the extremes of no effect and death. the total amount of a chemical required to produce a toxic effect is generally less for a single exposure than for intermittent or repeated exposures because many chemicals are eliminated from the body over time, because injuries are often repaired, and because tissues may adapt in response to repeated low-dose exposures. the time between exposure to a chemical and onset of toxic effects varies depending on the chemical and the exposure. the more soluble a gas is in the blood, the more it will be dissolved and transported to other organs. chemical contact with the skin is a frequent mode of injury in the laboratory. many of the chemicals used in the laboratory are extremely hazardous if they enter the mouth and are swallowed. if it is an organic acid or base, it will be absorbed in that part of the gastrointestinal tract where it is most fat soluble. table 4.3 lists some of the most common chemicals with a high level of acute toxicity that are encountered in the laboratory. an essential part of prudent experiment planning is to determine whether a chemical with a high degree of acute toxicity should be treated as a phs in the context of a specific planned use. a variety of devices are available for measuring the concentration of chemicals in laboratory air, so that the degree of hazard associated with the use of a chemical is assessed directly. a wide variety of organic and inorganic chemicals are irritants, and consequently, skin and eye contact with all reagent chemicals in the laboratory should be minimized. because an allergic response is triggered in a sensitized individual by an extremely small quantity of the allergen, it may occur despite personal protection measures that are adequate to protect against the acute effects of chemicals. some chemical neurotoxins that may be found in the laboratory are mercury (inorganic and organic), organophosphate pesticides, carbon disulfide, xylene, tricholoroethylene, and n-hexane. the study of reproductive toxins is an active area of research, and laboratory personnel should consult resources that are updated regularly for information. lists of known human carcinogens and compounds that are “reasonably anticipated to be carcinogens” based on animal tests can be found in the 11th report on carcinogens (hhs/cdc/ntp, 2005). these differences are determined in part by genetic factors and in part by the aggregate exposure of the individual to all chemicals within and outside the laboratory. box 4.2 is a quick guide for assisting in the assessment of the physical, flammable, explosive, and reactive hazards in the laboratory.

science lab risk assessment format

a science lab risk assessment sample is a type of document that creates a copy of itself when you open it. The doc or excel template has all of the design and format of the science lab risk assessment sample, such as logos and tables, but you can modify content without altering the original style. When designing science lab risk assessment form, you may add related information such as science lab risk assessment template,laboratory risk assessment pdf,science lab risk assessment pdf,risk assessment in laboratory ppt,chemistry lab risk assessment example

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science lab risk assessment guide

also important are the relative density and solubility of a liquid with respect to water and of a gas with respect to air. several systems are in use for classifying the flammability of materials. note that other symbols may be found in the special hazard quadrant of the diamond. because the vapors of most flammable liquids are heavier than air and capable of traveling considerable distances, special note should be taken of ignition sources situated at a lower level than that at which the substance is being used. examples of nonoxygen oxidants are shown in table 4.6. when potassium ignites on addition to water, the metal is the reducing agent and water is the oxidant. accidental contact of incompatible substances results in a serious explosion or the formation of substances that are highly toxic or flammable or both. users should be familiar with the hazards of these materials and trained in their proper handling. class a compounds are especially dangerous when peroxidized and should not be stored for long periods in the laboratory. in most cases, commercial samples of class c materials are provided with polymerization inhibitors that require the presence of oxygen to function and therefore are not to be stored under inert atmosphere. a compound is apt to be explosive if its heat of formation is more than 100 cal/g less than the sum of the heats of formation of its products. unfortunately, the current use of microscale teaching methods in undergraduate laboratories increases the likelihood that graduate students and others are unprepared for problems that arise when a reaction is run on a larger scale. be sure to choose laboratory equipment that is appropriate for every stage of the reaction, and consult with the manufacturer if there are any questions or concerns about whether a given reactor or piece of equipment is appropriate for high-pressure work. ultraviolet, visible, and infrared radiation from lamps and lasers in the laboratory can produce a number of hazards. consider using beam blocks and containment walls to reduce the chance of stray reflections in the laboratory. laboratory equipment should be correctly bonded and grounded to reduce the chances of electric shock if a fault occurs. the health effects of exposure to static magnetic fields is an area of active research. with these and other issues such as high or low room temperatures and exposure to vibrations, it is important to be aware of and to control such issues to reduce occupational injuries. nanomaterials suspended in a solution or slurry present a hazard whenever mechanical energy is imparted to the suspension of slurry. nanoparticles can enter the laboratory in a variety of ways. note also that nanomaterials may be attached to the surface of larger particles. if a microorganism identical or very similar to one found in nature is synthesized, the risks are assumed to be similar to those of the naturally occurring microorganism. individuals working with radioactive materials should thus be aware of the restrictions and requirements of these licenses. exposure to neutrons can be hazardous because the interaction of neutrons with molecules in the body can cause disruption to molecules and atoms. acceptable limits for occupational exposure to ionizing radiation are set by the usnrc based on the potential amount of tissue damage that can be caused by the exposure. exposure limits are lower in facilities operated by the u.s. department of energy and other agencies.

in the science classroom, a risk assessment is an analysis of a practical activity for the purpose of identifying any safety hazards associated with the activity, and determining actions which should be taken in order to eliminate, reduce, or control the risk of anyone coming to harm. precautions must be specified and reviewed each time the activity is carried out to ensure that they are appropriate for the type of activity, the place where it is being carried out, the number and age of students etc. decisions are a matter of balancing the relative risks and benefits, choosing an acceptable level of risk, rather than trying to avoid all risk and all exposure to hazards. similarly, citrus fruit peel is normally not a source of risk, unless someone in the lab happens to be allergic.

in a larger quantity, or with a big group of students, it may be better to recommend that the experiment is carried out in a fume cupboard or fume hood. fume cupboard or fume hood use should be based on a risk assessment of the procedure, and should ideally be in the risk assessment documentation. every task involving the management of risks needs to be subject to a documented risk assessment. the level of detail in the risk assessment should be proportionate to the risk.